What’s Supp?!

December-Dominate Depression

Week 1-Supplementation

Depression seems to be more and more present in our population today.  Of course it does get worse in the winter months which is also called Seasonal Depression.  There are many reasons and theories on why this occurs.  I believe it is lack of sunlight (Vitamin D), increased stress which can effect our relationships with ourselves and others, many people stop exercising until after the New Year and the consumption of sugar and processed flour/gluten has more than doubled.  All these in my opinion will effect your mood, sleep, hormones and metabolism.

It is through much research and self experimenting, that I have discovered what works for not only me but my daughters and close family/friends.  I want to share my top 3 supplements that can help many with any feelings of loneliness , helplessness, and anxiety.  By adhering to an optimal diet (90% of the time) and recognizing nutrient deficiencies one can achieve a well balanced mind/body.

What I teach to you all are things I have implemented into my life first hand. I have lived it and I want to speak it to you all in a clear and relatable way. Many times lifestyles changes are very intimidating and you grab hold to everything you know and what you are used to on a daily basis because FEAR sets in. I promise you, once you break the cycle that is no longer serving you, a whole new world of opportunities opens up to you. I hope I inspire you to change your life for the better and choose healthier options at least most of the time. If I can do it , so can you! I vow to always be raw and real with you all. I do not believe nor will ever believe I know it all. I do however know this is my gift and I have a strong interest in the wellbeing of all who I encounter near and far. I am here for guidance and support; to help others not feel alone in this new Healthy Life journey. I want to be that for you. Sending you love, strength and healing -Love Sam!

Samantha Stokes R.N., Functional Medicine Coach, Holistic Nutritionist, Reiki Practitioner


Magnesium acts as a catalyst for mood regulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin. I take 200-400 mg every night.  It took me about 2 weeks to see results of taking it. My mood is more stable, I sleep better, elimination is regular, and helps my muscles recover from weight training AND NO MORE HEADACHES.  If you have constipation, hard bowel movements )painful, or you don’t have a bowel movement everyday then I would take Magnesium Citrate. If you are prone to loose bowel movements then I would take Magnesium Glycinate or Taurate.

 Magnesium has many important roles. It helps support the thyroid, healthy hormone response, regulates blood sugar/insulin, regulates cortisol, is anti-aging and drives cellular energy.

Complex B-Vitamins with folate

These vitamins are important for mood stability and energy level.  It is definitely hard to get all of these vitamins from food alone. B vitamins help with brain health (memory loss , migraines, headaches), metabolism, lowers homocysteine levels (pro-inflammatory) , and impacts methylation (detox, energy production, hormone balancing directly). 


I choose to use Carlson brand -Norwegian Cod Liver oil on days/weeks I am not eating high quality fish (avoid farm raised!)- I also choose to eat wild caught Salmon or sardines. Omega 3s have been shown to improve major depression. 

Follow my page for Healthy Lifestyle guidance and community ! Much Love to you all! -Sam

If you are feeling depressed or have any thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a toll-free number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or call 911. 

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