Week 4- Find Your Purpose through your Daily Routine

Dominate Depression

I believe our purpose can change multiple times throughout our lives.  It depends on your circumstances and the diversity of your journey.  Start a morning routine and that will help you keep all your thoughts and actions in place and help you execute them. Getting up an hour early to do my routine is so worth my sanity and my health. It helps me start my day off on the right foot and increases my productivity. 

Many years ago when my daughter was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, I began my holistic medicine research.  I just knew there was more to what meets the eye, I had faith she would be healed and I knew I was being lead to the right answers.  There is nothing more unstoppable than a mom searching for answers for her child’s wellbeing.  I had felt helpless and lonely many times leaving doctors’ offices and I knew I needed to come up with a plan for her ASAP. I was relentless and spent countless hours reading and researching.  It all paid off and we were able to achieve remission, Talk about TRUE FREEDOM that year.  She finally started sleeping all night and began having no pain. 

I decided to go back to further my nursing career because of this and I wanted to help moms like me and children like her but that semester is when I started with my autoimmune disease. —Years prior to this I would get sinus infections at least two to four times a year and bronchitis once a year.  I had no idea this was a sign of inflammation that I could heal from! And guess what it has been 5 years now and I haven’t had any of these issues anymore. I know this seems to be getting off subject but with my flare of the autoimmune, I had depression as well.  Magnesium supplements and the paleo diet helped me tremendously and I am so incredibly happy to be free from DIS-ease.

So long story short, my purpose is to help others achieve what I have helped us achieve-FREEDOM!  Freedom from your physical body and ailments into complete renewal and regeneration; where you can be full of life and energy again!!! The sense of possibility can initiate a process of transformation and growth.

My heart is on fire when I am helping others achieve optimal wellness, it makes me smile ear to ear.  Find what makes you smile ear to ear and you can conquer the world. 

Find people who lift you up and push you to grow! Cheers to finding your essense and energy in 2020! Love, Sam

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