Soul Misalignment- When is it time for a lifestyle transformation?!

Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash

We are now in our last week of January.  Have you shifted your mindset? You will not have motivation everyday and that is why it is so important to master your mindset.  For week 4 I have posted some supplements that may help aid you in improving your brain function in the picture below. 

I am now going to slowly integrate February’s topic about Lifestyle and Love, when you need to change but you don’t know where to start. Often times when we have a lifestyle that isn’t in alignment with our Divine Self we will experience dis-ease and/or symptoms.

Today i will list 8 symptoms that are likely caused by misalignment. 

  1. Chronic pain- many people experience chronic pain. Some from injuries and some unknown.  Trauma, misalignment, chronic stress, dis-eases can all harbor pain in different areas of the body.  Stress is often times felt in the liver/gallbladder area upper right of you abdomen and in your neck.  Frequent headaches could fall under this category as well. You must first be willing to relax quietly with yourself and truly feel what emotions come to the surface.  Are you not happy with something in your life, then try your hardest to change it up , you will impress yourself. 
  2. Constipation/GI upset-being in mis-alignment with your soul’s mission will cause you to feel uptight and truly a stranger in your own body.  Causing you to clinched down and worry about everything. So yes constipation will occur. Also chronic stress cause Magnesium depletion which causes constipation as well. 
  3. Insomnia-here go with Magnesium again.  As you can tell I am a Magnesium loving Mother lol. Chronic stress is causing you to have low Magensium now and low Magnesium causes insomnia.  I take my Magnesium everyday before bed and sleep well, it also helps with muscle tension. Feeling relaxed and tension free helps me to sit and truly be guided by my soul into what living a LIFE in FULL ALIGNMENT truly looks like,  Your SOUL will not leave you astray. Leave the rat race for just one day and sit with yourself-be open to anything.  
  4. Anxiety-Magnesium again, low Mag can cause anxiety. But also being in mis-alignment.  If you experience anxiety on a daily basis-really look into the nutritional side as well as the soul nutritional side.  Are you feeding your soul with the things it desperately needs to survive and thrive, the number one Nutrient we are all lacking in this day and age—LOVE!!! Love you self, care for you , then you can care for others!
  5. Overactive brain– breathing exercises help with this and nature walks.  Getting away from electronic and really being the HUMAN “ANIMAL “ lol we are often out of touch with. Calm yourself, collect yourself and cool things will happen.
  6. Underactive body/fatigue– You feel you have lost yourself in your daily life.  Life happens and often times we over fill our plate because we are conditioned to think the busier we are the more successful we are but that is not the case.  Is it really worth it to live in a dull agony knowing you aren’t doing your soul’s mission and living in the constant stress for what —your demise.  
  7. Loneliness– lack of nature time, grounding, lack of community, lack of passion in your daily life (SOUL’S PURPOSE) all will lead to loneliness.  Find your tribe and stick with them but most importantly find YOURSELF in the process. TRULY being guided by your Divine Soul Self-tell your ego to step aside; it’s time to raise your energy level for 2020!
  8. Making excuses for all things in life, making excuses is another societal fear based , overworked consumers conditioning.  If you say I want to lose weight but i can’t meal prep, I just don’t have time. I hate to give you this tough love but you do have time; you just need to prioritize it. Show Yourself some LOVE!!! DO what needs to be done.  Let’s peel back those layers and truly find the freedom we are all searching for !!!

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