7 Steps for the RnR Lifestyle

A little about me first:

Hey y’all I am Samantha Stokes, wife, new to homeschool mom, nurse, nutritionist and functional medicine coach. With my extensive research and determination, I have found remission for myself and my daughters from our autoimmune disease. We had three different types, but all responded to the RnR lifestyle change. The template I’ve created that worked for all three of us.  I created this blog to help working women and/or moms who are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired-You are not alone. The RnR lifestyle blog will show you simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle daily; including recipes, my daily routines and how to find a little RnR everyday !  Welcome to the RnR Tribe and thank yall for the support. Much love and healing to you!!!

Step 1

Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day. I add lemon and/or blueberries to mine inanition to Dr. Eric Berg’s Mineral Drops. The filter I use is the Berkey filter and added the chlorine filters also. You need to drink about half your body weight in ounces; example: if you weight 140 pounds you need to drink 70 ounces daily.

Step 2

Do breath work daily. Box breathing is an easy start to your daily routine. Breathe in 7 seconds, hold 7 seconds, exhale 7 seconds, hold 7 seconds. Do that for 7 repetitions and do 3 sets. You will notice your mind becomes clearer and you are focused on crushing your goals for that day.

Step 3

Cook from scratch not from a box! It is easier than you think. Throw those boxes out and start new. Start shopping the parameter of the grocery store and go shopping every 3-4 days. Always keeping fresh produce in your house and do not buy any junk food to be “stored” for occassions lol, because it will not work – I only know from experience. Buy those junk foods for those occasions only not more than what you need.

This is grass fed butter and lion’s mane dish I made, with a side of broccolini.

Step 4

Juice daily. I recommend having a juice or smoothie for a snack. Make sure not to eat with the smoothie or juice because it will be too much for your stomach to digest at once. Also do not drink it fast, just sip on it for 30-40 minutes.

Step 5

Plan your day and your week; to decrease stress and help you check off those goals one by one. I plan my upcoming week the weekend before. Mostly on Saturday nights. You can buy cute planners and pens to help keep it fun for you.

Step 6

Get to Movin’– Exercise Daily. Light exercising is good enough. You do not need to exhaust yourself with hours of cardio. 4 days of weight training and about 4-5 days of light cardio should do. Stair master, fan bike or row machine are my favorites. If you are interested in me writing about my workout routine , leave me a comment.

Step 7

Find you a good supplement regimen. Some supplements you may need to take for your lifetime, others you may need only for a period of time to help your body recover or rejuvenate from certain symptoms or health issues. We take methylated b vitamins, magnesium glycinate and probiotics daily- and Cod liver oil in the winter months. We do not take a multi-vitamin through my research and self experience it is not a great idea to take a 1 size fits all type vitamin.

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