How and When to drink water-TIPs for easier consumption.

Revival Lifestyle

You need more than just water to restore your body’s electrolyte/mineral balance. Fatigue, thirst, dizziness, dark urine, headache or constipation are the signs and symptoms of mild dehydration.

When we think about health and fitness a lot of time, we only think we need to address it when we are sick or when we are older. This needs to be addressed not only for adults but kids as well. Getting healthy should be a family affair, I know it is hard to change the lifestyle you are all so used to. Be the thermostat not the thermometer. The time is now to create strong foundations for yourself and your children.

Drinking small amounts throughout the day is much better than downing a huge amount at one time to help keep your electrolytes more balanced. Avoiding ice in your beverages are better as well, to help with GI motility. Also not drinking a lot while you eat only in between meals. If you drink a lot during meals you don’t eat all your protein or you over dilute your stomach acid thus further hurting your body’s ability to digest food.

Coconut water is one of my favorites because it has high electrolyte content which makes it an extremely hydrating drink. I know “Ugh I hate the taste of coconut water” well mix it with a zero calorie soda (zevia or bubly).

What has helped me get the electrolytes I need?

Coconut water (liquid or powdered ) and Trace Minerals

Seek medical help for severe dehydration. Talk to your doctor before starting any new supplements.

TIPS for increasing fluid consumption

  • Buy a large stainless steel water bottle or glass water bottle. ( I use a 64 oz water bottle-stainless steel) and I fill it with my Berkley filtered water.
  • Buy large straws. When I drink without a straw I drink less than half than what I do when I have a straw.
  • Buy liquid vanilla stevia or unflavored liquid stevia. Add lemon juice or any fruit you’d like. Flavor enhancers will help you get more water in day.

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